A Togo Sofa & More Elements You Need When Decorating A Nursery Room (I/II)

In this blog, we love to be part of your decorative processes, and what better process than decorating the room of one of the most important moments – perhaps the most – in the life of an adult; a new child. This stage of life brings many drastic changes including the interior of your home. When this time comes it is time to not only buy diapers but also to start acquiring new furniture such as cribs, modern sofas, among other elements.

Today we want to introduce you to the furniture pieces that many parents consider necessary when decorating an optimal space for a baby. Swipe down and start writing down your favorites.

A crib

The crib is the main support of any newborn, in fact, babies usually spend more than 67% of the time in them. Try to choose a comfortable, safe and with a hypoallergenic mattress. Avoid at all costs those with movable railings.

A sofa or chair

This is the main support for the parents, this is where they will spend a lot of time caring for the newborn. It is important that the chosen modern sofa chair is highly comfortable and resistant. One of the best options for this is without a doubt the Togo sofa.

Click to know more about the Togo sofa and elements of the nursery room.