Are the replicas markets booming? The furniture market sure it is.

There are replicas on watches, parfums, high couture and so much more. The replicas market for furniture is certainly successful. There is a huge demand for high-quality furniture designs, without paying the expensive prices of a Design House.

One of the hotter tendencies is Mid Century Modern style. Barcelona Designs is one of the most trusted houses of replicas in this market. One of the most popular products by Barcelona Designs is the Barcelona Collection. It contains the pieces developed by L. Mies van der Rohe for the International Exposition of Barcelona 1929 (hence his name): The acclaimed Barcelona Chair ; the Barcelona Bench; the Barcelona Table and of course, the Barcelona Ottoman.

Barcelona Designs, understands this philosophy of Design very well and it’s one of the emerging leaders in Mid Century Modern furniture market. Barcelona Designs has been recognized as one of the “10.000 Small Business” Program by Goldman Sachs, aimed to give training and impulse to the most thriving entrepreneurs in New York City.

With a road paved with the satisfaction of its clients since 2005, fifteen years is only the beginning for Barcelona Designs and the love for good furniture.