The Living Wall: An Excellent Option To Accompany Your LC3 Sofa

If you are an interior design and decor enthusiast, you have most likely already realized that a modern sofa is not everything within a layout. However, although there are many other elements that, together, are capable of defining the spirit of that style that you want to implement, the sofa will always have a place of prominent importance due to its aesthetic value and functionality. For example, to configure a minimalist living room, a highly ergonomic, appealing, and timeless model, such as the LC3 Sofa by Le Corbusier, can be the automatic and extraordinary focal point you need.

To accompany a model in this category, you can apply various resources that help you in your task of creating an environment with an unforgettable hook. A living wall is a very valid example of a valuable resource; more than that, it’s a safe bet to add more freshness, dynamism, and visual interest. Also, if you buy your LC3 Sofa in a traditional black version, you have the advantage that this neutral color can be successfully combined with practically any other tone. A living wall is a wall covered in plants, and this can be done in individual pots or assembled. The result will be a very artistic design with natural components that will come to life in front of your eyes.

Why Have a Living Wall?

The advantages of having a living wall dazzling the eye in your living room are not only aesthetic: they’re also related to functional aspects, such as the purification of the atmosphere. By itself, the presence of plants in any area of ​​your home is favorable: they look good, add an incomparable natural touch, and constantly renew the atmosphere, making it cleaner and more oxygenated. It’s a beautiful and eye-catching resource that your visitors will fondly remember. It’s proven that plants even help reduce people’s stress levels and help regulate temperature.

As you can see, your living wall can be the perfect backdrop for your LC3 Sofa, a model that definitely deserves to be in an environment that lives up to its aesthetic value. It’s time to let your imagination fly and think about everything you can achieve thanks to a wall like this. Although plants are like pets that you need to care for and feed properly, they can give you amazing results that will probably exceed your expectations.