Barcelona Daybed vs Regular Daybed: Leather Vs Sheets (I/II)

We have been reviewing the Barcelona Daybed vis a vis with regular Daybeds in the market, looking for advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look now at the surface of this to items and how would you experience your daybed depending on your choice.

Right now, let’s take a look at the regular daybeds, reviewing the Barcelona Daybed in the next article.

Regular Daybed (Bed wear and sheets)

A regular daybed has a twin-size mattress supported by a whole three- side frame. This frame is composed of arms and head top, at the same style as a regular bed. This makes it beautiful and cozy. Nevertheless, a regular daybed never includes the mattress. In consequence, you’ll have to buy it separately.

But you have to take care of the bed wear, too. This is both an advantage and a disadvantage. You have the opportunity to play with sheets, and choose different colors and patterns to pair with your family room or lounge.

On the other hand, you’ll have to buy sheets and cushions in a regular way, keeping it in order on a daily basis, just like a regular bed. As you can see then, with a regular daybed, you will have the opportunity to add another layer of decor elements to your room.

Don’t lose the opportunity of enjoy the Barcelona Daybed in Barcelona Designs, where authentic enthusiasts of Mid Century Modern style are always satisfied with the best quality replicas alternatives for the most affordable prices.